Piano Forte VIII - Final Audio

Piano Forte VIII - Final Audio

Heaven VIII - Final Audio

Heaven VIII - Final Audio



Piano Forte VIII - Final Audio

749,00 €

Piano Forte Ⅷ archived to produce space expression which bring atmosphere of live hall and a sense of reality of concert hall which is difficult to be produced by conventional earphones. Piano ForteVIII housing is brass which is used for music instrument body and creates cheery vitality sound.

Σε απόθεμα

Piano Forte Ⅷ archived to produce space expression which bring atmosphere of live hall and a sense of reality of concert hall which is difficult to be produced by conventional earphones. Piano ForteVIII housing is brass which is used for music instrument body and creates cheery vitality sound.

Κατασκευαστής Final Audio
τύπος in-ear
Ευαισθησία 108 dB
Αντίσταση 16 Ohm
Driver Unit 16mm Dynamic Driver
Μήκος Καλωδίου 1,4 m
Συνδεσιμότητα 3.5mm
bluetooth Όχι
Βάρος: 0.0380
Κατασκευαστής Final Audio
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