Heaven IV - Final Audio

Heaven IV - Final Audio

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Heaven IV - Final Audio

199,00 €

Our special BAM (Balancing Air Movement) Mechanism, which optimizes air movement inside the housing, has pushed the evolution of earphone body design to the next level with a simpler structure and slimmer body. The result is a balanced, natural sound that reduces unwanted sibilant high-frequency sounds. The heaven Ⅳ delivers deep spatial expression and a true “live sound” atmosphere.

Σε απόθεμα
Κατασκευαστής Final Audio
τύπος in-ear
Ευαισθησία 112 dB
Αντίσταση 16 Ohm
Driver Unit Custom made Balanced Armature
Μήκος Καλωδίου 1.2
Συνδεσιμότητα 3.5mm
bluetooth Όχι
Βάρος: 0.0160
Κατασκευαστής Final Audio
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